PCE3 Virtual Workshop 2022

Nano-to-Cosmic Studies of Complex Systems
October 19-21, 2022
This workshop aims to unify views of origins of life research by exploring systems chemistry as a proxy tool for characterizing and constraining complex natural settings and circumstances. The workshop’s speakers and discussions between participants will assess the strengths and weaknesses of different metrics with the potential to describe the early Earth as a complex system and increase appreciation for statistical analyses of complex systems. A white paper will be written to summarize the outcomes of the meeting discussions and to present directions for future work. The workshop will be held virtually on Zoom on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October 19-21, 2022, from 9am-5pm Eastern each day. A full schedule is available here.
Workshop Organizers:
Zach Adam (University of Wisconsin Madison, USA) - workshop co-chair
Jennifer Glass (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) - workshop co-chair
1. Early Earth as a Complex System
Jun Korenaga (Yale University, USA) – session co-chair, speaker
Andy Ridgwell (University of California Riverside, USA) – session co-chair, speaker
Beth Ann Bell (University of California Los Angeles, USA) – speaker
Linda Sohl (Columbia University & NASA Goddard, USA) - speaker
2. Systems Chemistry: Tools and Analyses
Irene Chen (University of California Los Angeles, USA) – session co-chair
Nita Sahai (University of Akron, USA) – session co-chair, speaker
Ulrich Gerland (Technische Universität München, Germany) - speaker
Saidul Islam (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) - speaker
Libusha Kelly (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA) – speaker
Felix Mueller (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany) – speaker
3. Network Theory, Tools, and Applications
4. Complex Systems Theory and Statistical Analyses
Ella Gale (University of Bristol, UK) – session co-chair, speaker
Juan Perez-Mercader (Harvard University, USA) – session co-chair, speaker
Claudius Gros (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany) – speaker
David Spivak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) - speaker
Discussion Leaders:
Sudha Rajamani (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India)
Kristin Johnson-Finn (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)